Modi meter is a manifesto tracker. It provides the delivery status of all the promises made by the BJP in its 2019 General Elections Manifesto. The meter is prepared using official sources such as RTI replies, parliamentary documents, standing committees’ reports and ministries’ publications. These data sources are provided at the end of every status for public examination. (i, ii, iii…)

The delivery statuses of the promises have been categorised as follows:

Fulfilled:          Promises which have been met 
   Promises which witnessed substantial progress, but have not been met completely
Pending:         Promises which witnessed no substantial progress

While we have tried our best to assess as many manifesto promises as possible, certain vague promises cannot be assessed objectively. For example, the promise of giving a “free hand” to armed forces or providing infrastructure to the “aspirational middle class”. All such vague promises have been put into a fourth category called “Unconsidered”. Repeated promises and manifesto points that lack any promise are also included in this category to avoid duplicity.

Modi Meter is possibly the most comprehensive tracker. Take the BJP manifesto and start from the top; you will find all the manifesto points in the Modimeter exactly in the same sequence. We have tried to keep the statuses precise and simple in language. Examine the meter thoroughly, and if you like the work then do share this meter with your friends and family. And should you come across any error or have suggestions to improve this initiative, please write to us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Kush Sharma
Project Head

Note: Kush has worked as a policy analyst with the senior leadership of the BJP and the Congress in a professional capacity. To receive updates on our future projects, provide your email address below.