245. Global cooperation against terrorism and corruption; strengthening RIC, JAI; BIMSTEC, Act East, ASEAN and Indo-pacific
Status: Key new measures include the first meeting of the UNSC’s counter-terrorism committee in India, India’s financial contribution to the United Nations for counter-terrorism, hosting joint anti-terrorist exercise of SCO member nations, G20 New Delhi declaration condemning terrorist acts and reaffirming zero tolerance for corruption, and BRICS counter-terrorism action plan during India’s Chairship. No substantial progress however was seen on strengthening the forums of RIC (Russia-India-China) and JAI (Japan-America-India). Relations with some of the neighbouring countries too came under strain in the past five years. BIMSTEC—Key new measures include the adoption of the BIMSTEC charter, inviting BIMSTEC leaders to the government’s swearing-in ceremony in May 2019, extending the national knowledge network to Maldives, and adopting the master plan for transport connectivity. Act East— Key new measures include the inauguration of Sittwe Port in Myanmar and the Akhaura-Agartala railways link. ASEAN— Key new measures include the adoption of the ASEAN-India plan of action, cooperation to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, and PhD fellowship programmes for ASEAN students. Additionally, India joined a sub-region grouping (ACMECS) comprising Myanmar, Lao, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam in August 2019 to promote cooperation in the areas of connectivity, tourism and water resources management among others. PM Modi also announced the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI) in November 2019 to engage ASEAN states in enhancing maritime security, utilisation of marine resources and disaster management. i ii iii iv v